
Showing posts from December, 2016
                                     Class Evaluation                 1. Some things I liked about this class is that I could concentrate because it is a quiet class. This is an easy class and I could finish every assignment because Mr. Haymore explains carefully the instructions. 2. Somethings that I didn't like about this class was that we couldn't sit where ever we wanted, we had assigned seats. 3. Some recommendations for improving the class is to focus more on my assignments and talk less. 4. A highlight for me in this class was moving me to a quiet seat, although I didn't like my seat at first, I ended up liking this seat. I try more to concentrate in this seat. 5. I feel like I could've done better, I didn't really try my best in this class this time. 6. I am reading my life planning goals journal every other day I report to it mostly every...
                                                                                        "Manners maketh man."                If you have good manners it will make you a good person. If you have no manners it will show that you are a bad person. Being respectful at all times has a lot to with having good manners. Having good manners can say a lot about you.
“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.”                                                                           What this quote is trying to tell you is that you’re better off alone, than being with a bunch of people and doing bad things. When you’re alone you might be bored but at least you’re keeping yourself out of trouble. Bad companies just try to make you do bad things with them, and later on when there is consequences they blame you. It is better to be by yourself doing productive things than to be out there making bad choices. Even if you’re friends pick on you for not going along with their “plan...
    Challenges Teens Face Today The most common problems that teenagers face today include: Self-Esteem and Body Image. Being a CTR while facing any challenges is always helpful by choosing the right steps and not leading to bad choices. I can help other teens by not putting peer pressure on them, by understanding them. The greatest need that teens have today is receiving attention from their parents.