Class Evaluation
                1. Some things I liked about this class is that I could concentrate because it is a quiet class. This is an easy class and I could finish every assignment because Mr. Haymore explains carefully the instructions.
2. Somethings that I didn't like about this class was that we couldn't sit where ever we wanted, we had assigned seats.
3. Some recommendations for improving the class is to focus more on my assignments and talk less.
4. A highlight for me in this class was moving me to a quiet seat, although I didn't like my seat at first, I ended up liking this seat. I try more to concentrate in this seat.
5. I feel like I could've done better, I didn't really try my best in this class this time.
6. I am reading my life planning goals journal every other day I report to it mostly everyday.
7. Yes, I am committed to being a CTR, I always choose the right. I make the right decisions because the bad decisions won't take me no where.


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